Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Small paved yard next to the house

a Capetown cottage - image from the Australian blog Porchlight Interiors

The size of the yard seems close to what I have available next to my house, also the way trees loom almost over the building is similar.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ratafia and raffia

Who knew I'd be posting so soon. I'm watching Dwell, I believe, and at one point the translation said the guy's (David ...) open space apartment in a converted office building was warmed by the use of materials such as wool, some other textiles and, believe it or not, ratafia (ratafee). And they didn't mean taken internally. Hello. Might the authors mean raffia, or is there a meaning of the word ratafia I'm not aware of?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just to say hello

Well, hello!

This blog is meant to store design ideas, mostly the ones that I like, I suppose, and be a source of inspiration. Postings will be rare and random. But should you care to browse through them, I do hope you enjoy what you see.

Credits will be absent for some photos because I haven't taken note of them. If you know the source of any uncredited photos, please let me know and I will include credits.

Again - enjoy!